Saturday 19 April 2014


                  Prevention of Land Pollution

Very little people realize that pollution is very harmful because they don't think of the environment, themselves and other people and what it can do. Pollution is an important factor to our lives. It involves our society and all other animals. 

Pollution is gradually destroying our planet and is gradually killing ourselves too. Like air pollution, smog and acid rain is a killer to all of us. It destroyes marine life, our own health and even historical monuments and statues.


What should we do now? We can't stop natural causes but we can stop human causes ! So how about we work together? What can we do to help? 

Here are some ways we can do to reduce land pollution:

1. We can recycle- When we recycle we add less land pollution.


2. We can produce less trash- Some ways to reduce trash include not using a napkin or paper towel unless you absolutely need one, drinking water from a cup rather than a plastic bottle and being sure to properly dispose of harmful trash like batteries and computer equipment.    


3. We can pick up trash- We can help out by picking up trash when we see it lying around. 


4. We can encourage children and others to do likewise and set an example to them.

5. We must avoid over packaged items.


6. Inorganic matter like paper, plastic, glass and metals should be reclaimed and then recycled.


7. We must be educated about the harmful effects of littering.

8. We must reuse things. When we reuse things or give them to someone else to use, we make less trash.


9. We can protect animals from plastic trash.We can pick them up and not let the animals eat them and get sick.


10.We  mustn't cut trees. 


But we can plant trees. Trees produce a lot of oxygen that we need to breathe. Without oxygen we can't live. And they also help animals to make home for themselves.


11. We should look for the recycling symbol on things when we and our family buy things.


12. Wars must be stopped on the Earth because they also pollute the nature, the environment and all our planet. Instead people of the Earth can think on new ideas and projects about solutions of global problems.



Friday 18 April 2014

                     Effects of Land Pollution

Land pollution can be one of the most visible types of pollution. You see trash outside of buildings or on the side of the road. You may see a large landfill or dump. This type of land pollution not only can hurt animals and their habitats, but also is ugly and destroys the beauty of nature.


Other types of land pollution like mining, farming and factories can allow for harmful chemicals to enter into the soil and water. These chemicals can cause animals and plants to die, disrupting the food chain.



 Landfills release the greenhouse gas methane, which may lead to global warming. 


In some cases, pollution can damage the soil to the point that vegetation no longer grows. This may lead to erosion of the soil. Erosion leads to the loss of top soil in the Earth. This loss can spread and cause the loss of vegetation and life.


The harmful chemicals that can get into the soil and water can cause cancers, deformities and skin problems. 


Acid rain caused by land pollution kills many different plant and animal species. 


Forest vegetation that provides food or shelter to many different kinds of species are destroyed due to the pollution. Land pollution seriously disrupts the balance of nature and can cause human fatalities too.


                                Causes of Land Pollution

Contamination of land is about contaminating the land surface of the Earth through dumping urban waste, industrial waste disposal, mining and misusing the soil by harmful agricultural practices. Soil contaminated by chemicals in pesticides used for agricultural purposes. They are used to kill insects, so they can not give any harm to agriculture.

There are many other causes of land pollution. Contaminate water from plants, chemicals from farms, hospital waste, acid rain and other pollution can lead to land too.


Contamination of land is also called hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis. That's why we can say that we, the people, and some environmental factors may lead to the contamination of land.